
By hazelh

First footing coal

If we didn't already have some sea coal for first footing tomorrow night (or more likely Wednesday morning), we could have picked up some 'ordinary;' coal from this open bag in LIDL this morning. We came across it on a shopping run that took us to three supermarkets. We stocked up for dîner à deux tomorrow night, and a games party on New Year's Day. The latter follows our tradition of recent years - lockdown restrictions permitting. See the blips from 202420232020, and 2019

This afternoon I sewed name-tapes onto Mummy hazelh's clothes in readiness for her move to Newcastle. I haven't counted the number that I have done so far, but I reckon that my rate is about one name-tape every 7 minutes. I clocked up about three and a half hours on this task, half-watching television on catch-up as I did so. I have finally seen the Alan Bennett at 90 programme - wonderful! I may do some more sewing this evening, television viewing choice permitting.

I feel sorry for everyone who was hoping to join the Edinburgh Hogmanay celebrations tomorrow, now cancelled due to the stormy weather.

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike.

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