
By Wildwood


The mist was drifting back and forth across the mountains this morning The rain in the night blew straight in the open (a crack) bedroom door, and I found myself wading through quite a puddle of water this morning as I got up in the dark. We lingered over our coffee and perused the Sunday paper full of year end quizzes and news wrap-ups. 

There is quite a rift developing in the Republican party over immigration, even before he has been inaugurated. Trump and his tecchie acolytes want to issue more visas for highly skilled workers and the hard core MAGA types are calling them 'invaders'. Not satisfied with being the richest man in the world, Musk seems to be leading the charge, probably so he can pay less and make even more money. If we're so lacking in highly skilled workers, why don't we invest more money in our educational system? The 'traditional' MAGA Republicans are reported as being less educated and more likely to believe what they see on social media. Many of the highly skilled workers were educated here. 

It was difficult to tell whether the rain was coming or going but we eventually decided that if we didn't get out for a walk it probably wouldn't happen. We parked in front of a house that burned in the Glass Fire and was quickly rebuilt. It's on a tiny lot at the end of a walking trail, but was the only house on the street to burn. I've always thought they did a nice job of rebuilding and had a chance to tell the man who was outside blowing leaves. He seemed pleased. 

Jim is going to visit his mother in Indiana and Will and Dana are coming to dinner bringing seafood left over from paella they made last night. I think I'll do a stir-fry...minus the clams and mussels...

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