It seems that I did not take a blip photo yesterday, so I wanted to make sure I got one today.
I had the best of intentions....get out of the house and go for a walk on the beach - surely there would be something photo-worthy down there. And whilst out, go to the library to pick up my latest book, get some groceries, hop on over to the Canadian Tire to buy some items I should have bought at least a week ago, and then come home to a hot chocolate by the fire.
Well that never happened.
The weather and icy conditions were not conducive to walking safely, so I ended up indoors all day. Part of the day was spent conspiring with my neighbours about how we were not happy with the snow removal chap we hired this year to clear our driveways and we needed to come up with a plan of action.
The rest of the day was spent on my iPad doing jigsaw puzzles, playing solitaire and watching way too many episodes of what might have been a good TV series if it had not been for the less-than-natural dubbing. It was SO irritating...Like, why dub (badly) English over Greek and then add English subtitles? Geez. I would rather hear the actors speak in their own language and read subtitles than try to figure out if it is the acting that is bad or if it is the people speaking over them!
And, I did wonder if perhaps the script had not been translated exactly and that explained why some of the lines did not come across as natural? the way someone would actually speak?
But, of course, I watched anyway...and will continue watching to see what happens...
And so today it is an emergency blip...I will try again tomorrow to get to the beach....
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