Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Merry and Happy

Christmas, Hanukkah, Holidays, New Year ...

I've been working with Jax on tolerating a hat and today he really hit his stride, staying in front of the "artfully arranged" backdrop while wearing his Santa hat at a jaunty angle.  And, looking straight at me!  I'm so glad he isn't camera shy.  Our last dog, a collie, was painfully camera shy and would look away, or leave as soon as a camera came out.  I always wondered if she'd had some sort of traumatic experience with a photographer - she was 5 years old when we got her, so anything could have happened.  I will also put a shot in Extra of Charlie, wearing the same hat (taken yesterday).  

It was below 0 F this morning.  Thankfully no wind, but it was still painfully cold and none of us had any interest in being outside for more than the absolute essentials.  It finally warmed up to about 20 with bright sun, so at least it didn't feel quite so bad.

Hubs and I finalized menus for Christmas this morning, and I headed out to get groceries.  Surprisingly, the store wasn't all that busy and I was able to get in and out in good time.  My SIL can't eat any red meat, so we are doing chicken in a creamy mushroom sauce for dinner, with roasted butternut squash and cranberries and a chocolate cheesecake for dessert.  I've found that making cheesecake in the instant pot pressure cooker is quite easy, and I've also found a lot of good keto (sugar and wheat-free) recipes online.  

Snow in the forecast for tomorrow so maybe I will spend some time in the hide - we'll see.  



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