
By tridral

Atgofion trwy'r ffens

Atgofion trwy'r ffens ~ Memories through the fence

“Of all the means of expression, photography is the only one that fixes forever the precise and transitory instant. We photographers deal in things that are continually vanishing, and when they have vanished, there is no contrivance on earth that can make them come back again. We cannot develop and print a memory. The writer has time to reflect. He can accept and reject, accept again; and before committing his thoughts to paper he is able to tie the several relevant elements together. There is also a period when his brain forgets, and his subconscious works on classifying his thoughts. But for photographers, what has gone is gone forever.”
― Henri Cartier-Bresson, (The Mind's Eye: Writings on Photography and Photographers)
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Es i am dro'r bore yma. Dim ond dau gilometr ac roedd yn oer ond yn dda i fynd allan am dipyn. Cerddais i heibio'r ffens wrth y nant, edrychodd y blodau fel eu heisiau dianc. Rydw i'n cofio'r amser cyn y ffens, pan roeddwn i'n gallu chwarae wrth y nant. Roeddwn ni arfer dal crethyll weithiau. Nawr mae'r plant yn ddiogel rhag syrthio i'r nant, ac mae'r crethyll yn ddiogel rhag dal gan y plant.

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I went for a walk this morning. Only two kilometers and it was cold but good to get out for a while. I walked past the fence by the stream, where the flowers looked like they wanted to escape. I remember the time before the fence, when I could play by the stream. We used to catch sticklebacks sometimes. Now the children are safe from falling into the stream, and the sticklebacks are safe from being caught by the children.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : Blodyn hebe trwy'r ffens wrth y nant
Description (English) : Hebe flower through the fence by the stream

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