
By carliewired

74 F/ 23 C

It's hard to think of
a garden that is dry and
dusty - here it is! 


After my early morning coffee, I headed off for the downtown just after 9. I had a thought to find a conservation garden, but I got side-tracked by a train, then some poor information. 

The train held up traffic by the 95 junction for more than 10 minutes. The line of traffic continued to grow and those without patience did a U-turn to escape. A big, black pickup came along the shoulder from behind me, crossed the front of the line of traffic, then disappeared down the side of the tracks. In short order, the train began to move east and we were soon on our ways again. I don't know if the truck "fixed" the problem but I was happy to be motoring again.

I had an address for a Conservation Garden on 4th Avenue, but as it turned out, it is merely the office for the Conservation Garden on 32nd. I had a lovely chat with two ladies who work in the Agricultural Department there. They supplied me with directions to the Moody Garden and some ideas for locations for plein air. 

The Robert J. Moody Demonstration Garden is a small area with walkways, benches and shade that has been sandwiched between buildings and parking lots. It is named for a local community leader and has been tended by volunteers for its 20 years thus far. 

I found it very dry and parched today. I appreciated the variety of cacti with labels so I can learn some new to me. The moonflower was blooming and attracting bees. I understand it is a plant native to Florida. 

I headed home for a late breakfast. I will putter around with my art materials today.

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