An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Petite Araignée...

Last night sitting outside as the witching hour approached, a cooling breeze began to ruffle the leaves of the trees and a few minutes later a bright flash was followed by a loud rumble heralding the arrival of the promised thunder storm.

We beat a hasty retreat indoors and within minutes the rain was thundering down.

There was supposed to be two more storms today but so far we've only had some heavy rain. It is much cooler though and we've used the weather as an excuse to have a really lazy day and not really do anything / go anywhere.

This afternoon David, Alan and I spent a lovely two hours together watching Mary Poppins. I can't tell you how wonderful this was as Alan's never been a child to want to sit and watch a film with you. He has certain dvds that he likes and watches over and over but they last half an hour and frankly after many years being subjected to them, we'd rather shove pins in our eyes than have to sit and watch them. But today was lovely. I hope it's the first of many films we will enjoy together.

The sun has come out now but it's still a tad chilly so zipper tops on then outside for a BBQ dinner.

As we haven't gone anywhere today I stuck the macro lens on the camera and popped out to take pics of some geraniums growing outside our bedroom. Pretty boring shots till I turned the flower head upside down and found this little gift.

Was going to blip the mono version ( THIS or THAT) but as my last few blips have been mono decided to go with the colour. Not sure I made the right choice.

Hope you're all having a great weekend xx

PS Thanks for the responses to my request for help a couple of blips ago. How thick am I. Of course I need a filter. Doh!

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