More Roman Around
D wanted to go back and visit the Forum and Palatine Hill so we headed there straight after breakfast. It was a bit dull if I’m honest but nice views from the top. I was keen to visit the district of Trastevere so that was our next destination. It was a good walk from the centre of town and by now it was quite hot. It’s a busy, bustling district packed with restaurants and gift shops. We visited the Basilica di Santa Maria which has stood since 340 and is known as the first house of Catholic worship in Rome and the first to be dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It’s nothing to look at from the outside but the inside is breathtaking. It was nice just ambling along the narrow lanes and piazzas and we stopped for drinks and food whenever necessary.
Later, we hopped back on the sightseeing bus to finish our tour of Rome as there were a couple of stops we hadn’t yet visited.
For dinner we returned to the trattoria we went to on our first night here. Again, it didn’t disappoint. We are finishing our trip with cocktails outside a bar in the District of San Giovanni which is near to where we’re staying. It’s been a memorable and educational visit and I’ve loved every minute. .
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