
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 68/84
Main activity: Fri - bit of packing, out for errands, around, trying to plan, pool time
Notes: Up in the 3a hour w/ headache again. Messaged w/ Jo on Signal for awhile and then was finally able to doze a bit more from 6-7a. Nice cool morning, dropped to 71 inside w/ the windows open! Ran out mid morning to see if haircut place and pharmacy on W Bay were open - couldn't get thru by phone. Neither were. Stopped at ATM and put in a little cash and ran into Ace and got a Damp Rid for the storage unit. Back and made coffee - took forever by candlelight (not a good system) while I organized and packed a bit more and Kathy called so talked to her. Then went to the pool for a bit w/ my own chair (gave to E&L and borrowed back) - plugged in battery packs to charge while I enjoyed sunshine until thick clouds back in. Ellen called when I came back and said she was out searching for gas and was still none to be found. I saw the same here when I went out this morning. So may still have to move the big stuff and then wait out until gas is again available?? Went back over the pool in the afternoon and charged laptop - sat outside with Eric & Linda for awhile. Did lots more in the evening until I finally took a shower and relaxed for a bit. Streamed shows until I couldn't stay awake (on battery power and with a battery fan).

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