Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

An Ammonite fossil from Somerset

The Feast Day of Saint Francis of Assisi. Patron saint of animals, animal welfare societies, the environment, Italy and Assisi.
Born 1181, died 1226.
He was enlightened by God's Guidance to
put the Lord God first in his life, and that meant moving away from his birth family. St. Francis gave his time and God respecting love and energy, to serving God by helping the poor and needy. This was after he suffered a crisis in the form of a fever and received a revelation from the Lord. St. Francis lived as a hermit in a ruined chapel. He lived a life of humility, prayerfulness and peace. He dressed in a long hooded brown robe with a rope belt. He respected all of God's creation including the wild birds and animals. He founded the order of Friars Minor, later that changed into the Franciscan Order. In 1224 St Francis received the miracle of the stigmata, the first on record.
Make me a channel or an instrument of Your peace, is the prayer we remember in connection with his core beliefs about how to live well for Our Lord and Saviour. I think he gave us a good example of a selfless life, but it is not easy to copy in our materialistic modern world.

Today is beautiful, 9c earlier, cold and sunny.

I did my morning tasks and was worried Hunter our ginger tom cat took a long time to return home this morning. Holly was waiting in the garden and returned happily breakfast time.
I went for a walk to the canal and there was one narrowboat, a new one to our mooring site, called The Enchantress. It is not easy boating in cold weather but some folk seem called to travelling along the canal and find they are happy and free from the constraints of modern life in busier places.

I listened to online Holy Mass from St Marie's Cathedral in Sheffield.

Hunter is home and so is Holly.

The blip shows an Ammonite from Somerset. I find them full of wonder and partly because they are very old and serving as a reminder of their Age on the Earth.

The afternoon for me will include reading, drying clothes, crocheting and watching some television.
Have a lovely time blip friends and thank you for visiting my site today.

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