Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Garden collage.

The Feast Day of St Jerome and also St. Theodore Guerin.

Today is National Poetry Day.
Some of us find poetry inspiring, thoughtful, healing, moving or perhaps some of us are not on that creative wavelength. That is OK.
Perhaps each of us has the blessing of being led to or discovering certain poets and poems that have shown us something worthwhile about Creator God, Mother Nature or life.

It is a beautiful cold sunny day here in Rishton Blackburn. 12c.

I have been as far as the park and woodland. Apart from a loud dog barking, it was peaceful and pleasant there.
The trees are turning colour gradually. I saw one squirrel scampering through the children's play area.

At the site of the old St Charles Church, the construction workers have brought a lot of construction materials as they transform the big space into a play area and garden for the primary school children next to the site. Thankfully the trees are still remaining. A beautiful tall Beech tree, smaller Beech, Birch and a strong evergreen. The old brick wall was not high enough to secure the site, so black metal framework has been added above the wall.

I received three fossils in the post this afternoon.They were well packed in bubblewrap.Two were ammonites from Somerset and one is a cluster of various fossils. The site is quite interesting if you would like to find out more. and I collect crystals and small fossils because it fascinates me how old they are and they have survived an immensely long time.

Well, I am going to have a walk now, to enjoy the evening sunshine, before Father Brown starts at 5pm.

Enjoy a wonderful evening and thank you for dropping by blip friends.

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