Supping Nectar On The Fly
Cold and dull, at least we didn't have rain. Very few visitors to the ivy bush. This tiny fly caught my eye because of its red eyes and blue body. The sucker on the end of its mouthparts, which it uses to sup nectar, can be seen. As with yesterday's fly, I'm struggling to identify it. Could be a lance fly.
I read last week that many crane flies don't eat as they have short lives and the main thing for them is to find a mate. I was happy to see the crane fly in extras enjoying the ivy nectar.
PS Bom's Picture Insect app suggests that my fly is a dark-winged Chrysogaster. Interesting, that's what Technophobe's Siri said my yesterday's fly is. They look quite different to me. Perhaps they're different sexes or the aspect is fooling me.
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