
By H22

Place: Fairbury, IL 53/82
Main activity: Wed - stomach pain, Sibley w/ Lucille, Once 'n Again, rest, tacos, drive
Notes: Woke early but back to sleep - finally slept until after 7a. Stomach was hurting in the morning, Mom & I took a short walk. Got ready to leave by 9a but stomach was hurting more so waited until 930a. Picked up Lucille and Mom drove to the Corner Store in Sibley - there awhile, we each found some cool little things. This is the little downtown strip. We stopped at Ace Hardware on the way back. Dad came home for lunch and then Mom & I ran to Once 'n Again to look at the pants - only found one poss option but strange bottom hems and expensive. Came back and rested, slept ~1.5 hrs. Made tacos then for dinner - ground beef w/ black beans and mexican seasoning w/ lettuce, tom, avo and the Siete cassava chips - was very good. I had a bit of chix broth before, otherwise only coffee in the morning. I drove the rental car (it's a 2025!) after dinner w/ Dad & Mom out to other areas of the country and around town. Another nice day. To bed a bit late.

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