
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 73/91 >  Fairbury, IL 68/74
Main activity: Sun - jog/pool, travel
Notes: Long day and didn't sleep well again - was awake several hours ~ 2-4a. Was able to go back to sleep and woke up just after 630p but didn't feel up to biking. Went for a jog and did 40 min (surprising!) and then dipped in the pool after. Did a shower and then dove back into packing/organizing/finalizing ... still a lot and all the around-the-house stuff. Made coffee and watched a bit of morning shows while doing stuff. Early meal of 2 eggs w/ ground beef and carnivore pancakes. Ellen picked me up around 140p and we left around 2 - all green lights and then hit the new road to the airport, nearly empty! Got dropped off, was in, tram, and thru security in 6 min! Was B-09 for flight 4466 - stood in line w/ 80-90 total in front of me and said window seat with great people around and bin space no further back than (and row 6 jumped in my head) - I was in a little disbelief but when I found one and settled in, looked up and it was row 6! Got a bit of late start and noticed my Netflix downloads from awhile back had all expired - we taxied for quite awhile and I thought last min to pop on my phone hotspot, connect the tablet and see if I could restart Netflix and renew a couple for the 2.5 hr flight - sure enough, it all went thru in seconds and all my downloads were avail! Got a hugely upgraded brand new SUV maroon Nissan Rogue w/ only 216 mi - new car smell still there and it is spotless. So fun! Defin felt like a full day in the flow and mood was high and light! Long-ish drive and got to mom & dad's ~8p, quite tired. Quick shower and unpacking, stayed up a bit messaging w/ Jo and then crashed just after 10p (central time).

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