
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 75/90
Main activity: Sat - coffee, work, pool, work, packing
Notes: Up 2a-something for a couple hrs. Finally back to sleep until a little after 7a - felt pretty tired still. Did a little work on re-doing all the BranchOUT stuff w/ new deadline and then Linda (Albania - from 1001) picked me up @ 8a and we went to Bellair Coffee (little coffee place was great tho forgot to take a pic there). She's a terrible driver - I was not feeling safe in her car! I got Americano and poured into cup I brought w/ my fixin's. Was ok - language barrier is a strain and had to keep trying to think of things to ask. Got back a little after 9a and got to work until ~12p - pool break for less than an hour. Back and did some for Susan and then really focused on packing - switched suitcases and had to pare down yet again, removing lots more clothes options. Did the hair conditioner, more work and then made a rainbow microgreens bowl w/ roasted chicken, toasted pumpkin seeds and pesto and added a fried egg - very tasty! Trying to use up last bits of stuff in the fridge before I leave tomorrow (flying to IL). Quiet night, didn't really watch much.

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