Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Up Periscope!

Usually when I see chipmunks in the garden, their tails are down, level to or resting on the ground.  It is only when they are alarmed or are running that they raise their flattish, fuzzy tail straight up in the air, looking like a fuzzy periscope.  I was crouched on the patio trying to get some eye level shots of one of the tufted titmice when I happened to glance over at the small stone wall under our deck and saw this.  I think the chipmunk had just spotted me and was on high alert because just a moment or two later, he scampered back into the undergrowth.  Too cute to pass up today, though.

I finished a book last night that I will be thinking about for a long time.  It is called "A Day in at the Life of Abed Salama" and chronicles the life of a Palestinian living in Israel.  It won a Pulitzer Prize for writing last year, which is an indication of the caliber of writing and material.  I have learned in my life that every story has two sides and the story of the ongoing Israeli/Palestinian conflict is no different.  I felt that this book gave a very even-handed look at real life in a country that always seems to be in turmoil.  It left me with many questions which led me to listen to a wonderful podcast that detailed the recent history of Israel and the Occupied Territories.  The podcast was from the New York Times on The Daily and it aired on September 18, if anyone is interested.  Can easily be found online.

We buried Phoebe's ashes today.  She is at rest next to Rocket (best black cat ever) who she adored and near Carrie (best neurotic collie ever) who she was also very fond of.  She died on July 22 so we are one day shy of 2 months that she has been gone.  I had a lovely big river rock engraved with her name to mark where she is buried.  

Salmon on the menu for dinner tonight and then a quiet evening.


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