Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Sachem Skipper

I just blipped this species recently, but couldn't resist another shot today, this one with a dorsal view.  The asters are providing such a nice backdrop to photos right now, a blast of lovely color.  

Had an excellent yoga practice today - Peg joined me on the virtual mat so we were able to enjoy the workout together.  She is managing to get through every day, although the burden of grief is enormous now.  I wish there was more I could do...

My last monarch cat is doing his walkabout now and will hopefully pupate tomorrow.  I am officially done harvesting tender morsels of milkweed, cleaning frass and monitoring caterpillars.  Now all I have to do is watch the chrysalids and be ready to release healthy monarchs to begin their journey to Mexico.  Will I do this again next year?  Probably...


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