Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

In Memory of...

Sweet Phoebe, gone two months now, but always in our hearts.  We buried her ashes yesterday but I wanted to memorialize her in my journal too.  So I picked a little aster from my garden and took a couple of shots.  

Had a nice long FT chat with mom and dad this morning.  They are doing well and taking it easy until Mom's foot is a little better.  Hubs is working on the race car, finishing some body work from his crash at the last race before he moves on to painting it.  I spent some time outside with Jax until he decided he wanted to come inside.

And, big news, I found a home for my two older full frame DSLR bodies (D600 and D750).  I did not want to sell them because both bodies have more than the "recommended" shutter clicks.  And I would not feel right taking someone's money and then having the shutter fail.  Dilemma.  And, then, out of the blue, a childhood friend reached out to ask me some questions on where he could get a used full frame camera.  I described the condition of both bodies including the possibility that one or both could need a new shutter at some point.  He was also looking for a 50 mm lens and I have one I never use.  Sooo, I am boxing it all up, including original receipts, some SD cards, user manuals and cables and going to send it all to him.  His family lived next door to mine when I lived on the Aleutians in early grade school. His older brother was my age, Mike a few years younger.  We reconnected 10 or more years ago and have stayed in touch via message and FB.  In fact, it was Mike with his connections within the indigenous community in Alaska, that helped find a home for my Mom's very old native doll collection.  So this feels like the perfect thing to do.  

We haven't had any red meat for a while so I am going to go to the butcher and see if I can pick up a couple of lamb chops or filets - something I can put on the grill.  Will look for some local veggies to go with them and maybe some delicata squash too.  

And dark with orange today...

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