
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 77/91
Main activity: Fri - Aldi, pool, Zoom, work, etc
Notes: Busy day! Up early, online and doing some work right away and then headed to Aldi just after 9a for a couple things. Coffee and pool before my 1115a Zoom w/ a new friend in Canada from our Pleiadian Starseed group - great conversation until after 12p. Back to work then until nearly 4p (ended up doing more and taking longer than I thought) ... and then flew into gear and tried the cottage cheese & egg crust pizza for the first time (only other additions: seasoning and nutritional yeast) - also made a small batch of pesto. I baked in a glass pie pan (removing the brown parchment from my arsenal - coated w/ silicone) and I turned it when the top was browning and beautiful. The turning didn't go great and it came out a bit messy but tasted great - topped w/ grass-fed ground beef, diced tomatoes, the freshly made pesto, and shredded mozza and cheddar. Rest of the day spent organizing/packing a bit more and then relaxing to shows.

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