
By HeartFreek

New Gazebo and a tired GaGa

Up at 5.30 again this morning! This boy doesn't sleep!!!

But as Mr W and Bella were away with Lady Linda it didnt really matter so I just got up and we watched TV for a bit.

My gazebo man arrived at 9 sharp. It's been in the planning for a while. I'm glad he actually tuned up as he wanted more money last night!!!! He just gets exactly what I want and understands my instructions which I'm impressed with. He's going to make some planters to fix under the trellis that arrived today. 

We went torch shopping for Jasper and picked up some cupcake mix. He played on his bike before we did a bit of cooking, then dinner and bath.

Jasper insisted he brought everything down from upstairs - book by blimmin book - all 8 of them!!!! It took AGES! But he just loves a task. He will make someone a very good husband one day!!!

Back at his now and he's in bed at last. I think he has called my name about 20 gazillion times today and usually not even followed up with a question.

But the one breakthrough was that he willingly gave Grandad Ray a cuddle as we left today. Absolutely made his day! 

God I'm shattered!!! I don't know how DN2 does it!!;!!

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