
By HeartFreek

Sleep over at GaGas.

Jasper had me up at 5.30am!!!! Eeek!
We arrived back at my house at 7.30 just as Mr W was taking Bella out for her morning ritual!

Mr W and Bella later left for Lady Linda's leaving me to look after Jasper. 

We made a pretend phone and camera in the studio, went for a bike ride with the help of a spare dog lead, watched some TV and waited for DN1, Matty and Baby Mylo to arrive.

The boys enjoyed zooming up and down the drive on their new bikes. They look so big!

Unfortunately the boys still fight and argue alot but after tea they had fun playing in the bath then in Jaspers floor bed I made him in the spare room. He's having a sleep over for the 1st time tonight.

DN1 is having a tough time with her anxiety caused by lack of sleep. She had a terrible migraine a few weeks back that she contributed to poor sleep so now struggles to sleep between feeds thinking she's going to get another one. So she's not really functioning on all cylinders but is trying her hardest and boys are totally thriving. 

Jasper eventually settled after his choice of 8 books. I then loaded the kiln and watched the final of Race Across the World before going to bed after what feels like a VERY long day!!!

Fingers crossed Jasper doesn't have me up at silly o'clock again!!!!

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