
By HeartFreek

Waiting for Mummy and Daddy

Another 5.30am start to the day but not with Jasper but with his cats who are used to Jaspers dad getting up at 5am to go to work and feed them so I got up to feed them before they woke Jasper up!!!! He was then up at 6.30 after spending half an hour singing and getting his counting to 15 right!!

Breakfast at my house then off to B&M, Hobbycraft and Costa for a baby chino and a marshmallow with Grandad Ray. 

After a bit of a play in the studio and on his bike we headed off to the airport to collect Mummy and Daddy. It was a long wait as they were delayed by an hour but Jasper had his bag of tools and we were given a cookie in Pret.

Once mummy and daddy arrived - I primed Jasper to run to mummy 1st as hes actually addicted to his daddy and I knew mummy probably wouldn't get a look in. And bless him he did just that!!!! Mummy cried!! Then he ran to daddy who picked him up and Jasper didn't let him go until we got back to the car! 

Jasper has been great. The sweetest, kindest, funniest boy. He's a complete whirlwind of mess and clumsiness who really struggles to listen and cannot be rushed but when he can listen he gets it and remembers it!! We have the closest bond and my time with him was very special.

But boy am I shattered!!! Too tired to cook dinner so made Mr W take me out!!!!

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