Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands


Little Man had a play date this morning, which gave me the opportunity to have some city time, alone. I love going to a big city by myself (or, on occasion, with Little Man), without other adults tagging along. It gives me the chance to relax and be another nameless person in the crowds. Over the last few months, when I've gone to Utrecht, I generally enjoy myself more if I'm on my own or have my boy with me. It means that I can dictate where I go and what I do. There's no one to pressure me into leaving before I'm ready or what shops we need to visit. When my dear friend, Timann, asked to take Little Man for a few hours, so I could have some time alone, I knew right away that I'd be going to Utrecht. There's a few shops that I like visiting that aren't in Oudewater. Today I also stopped by Starbucks and wrote in my journal, whilst enjoying a coffee. It was lovely!

When I got home, I quickly did the housework before Little Man was dropped off. I wanted to make a start on it before my parents return from Uganda next week, so hopefully, I won't have an awful lot to do tomorrow or on Monday. It's just the mountain of clean laundry that needs folding and putting away, and the bathroom downstairs. I also have a shop to do but that won't take long.

Little Man has been a ball of energy this afternoon. It was a lot of fun. It feels like we're enjoying the last of the nice weather before the cold hits. I heard that we're in for a cold winter, but I've heard that a few years ago and the winter that followed wasn't too bad. We'll have to just wait and see.

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