Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands


This bike was probably stolen and dumped in the canal. It is a common occurrence here in the Netherlands. Someone will miss the last bus home, for whatever reason, and steal a bike, ride home and then dump it in the nearest canal. It's why most people own two bikes. An expensive one to use for excursions with friends or to bike to work, and a cheap one to use to get to and from the train stations. So if the cheap one is stolen then there isn't a massive financial loss. A lot of train stations have bike stalls, that are often staffed, where people can leave their bikes in safety.

Little Man and I had a quieter day today, than we've had in a while. We did a spot of shopping and hung out at home. Little Man slept for about three hours, which surprised me a bit. He must have needed it, despite sleeping better at night. He does have a cough (which I've been giving him medication for) and I think that must be tiring him out.

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