Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands


Life with a toddler is busy! Little Man had nursery this morning. The kids went to a petting zoo and from the photos the staff uploaded, Little Man had a lot of fun.

I had a situation to sort out. I'm very protective of my siblings and won't take anyone talking badly about them. A girl I knew in boarding school tried badmouthing my sister (she'd told me what happened) and I enjoyed putting this girl in her place. She thought I'd believe her over Hannah, given we haven't talked in about 7 or 8 years.

I also had a friend from church round to talk to me about the housing situation and to have a plan about what to. We still haven't found somewhere and we don't have long to find somewhere. I know something is going to turn up. 

I collected Little Man and we spent the afternoon hanging out at home. I also tried collecting my dad's parcel, but it still hasn't arrived at the drop off place in town and it appears that PostNL have decided to return it to the sender rather than delivering it.

I saw this butterfly drying it's wings and had to take a photo to share with you.

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