
By grounded

Been busy...

What a week! I'm exhausted! This week I re-qualified as a pool lifeguard, twenty-something years after the last time I held this qualification. In my youth I did lots of things which involved water from competitive swimming, lifesaving (indoor & outdoor), sub-aqua, canoeing and water polo... not to mention a spot of boogie boarding. The qualification has got tougher over the intervening years (H&S) but I managed it. It was an intensive week both in the classroom and in the pool. And my evenings were spent inwardly digesting this book of knowledge! But I'm pleased to announce I passed the exam this afternoon and I'm all set to look after a pool full of kids at a camp next month. One thing I was amazed at was to learn all about how simple it is to use the automated external defibrillators (AEDs) which are found in many public places, shopping centres and the like. They are idiot proof and I would not hesitate to use one in emergency. Please take less than 2 minutes to watch this short clip on how to use them - you could save someone's life!!!

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