
By grounded

Bright & Shiny

So today was the day... I've been selling on eBay and saving since last summer. I've been watching out for the summer offer for students and it arrived. I watched the update of the MacBook Air arrive and the price drop. And today I took the plunge. We headed into Glasgow to the Apple store and purchased my shiny new Mac. This replaces my first MacBook, the old white one which has served me well for 6 years! This new one is so much lighter, faster, longer battery life etc etc etc. I hope this one serves me for my last year of college and well into my ministry! Oh and we also had a yummy lunch out with Mum & Dad at Carluccio's before heading home. The Migration Tool is doing its thing... and should finish sometime during the night... transferring around 120GB of data takes a while!!!

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