Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Bad Day -- Bad, BAD Day

The woodworking went fine, but after lunch we went to go up to the local shops to drop off some coffee pods for recycling before heading further afield to look for some household items.

The drive to the shops is probably less than 2 minutes and during that time SWMBO started acting a bit strangely. when I pulled into the car park she had no idea why we were there.
At that I headed for the hospital ..... so was obviously having a stroke.
I stopped in the ambulance bay outside the A&E and there were 2 paramedics in one of the vans. I asked if they could help while I went to get a wheelchair ...... No chance! - they would get the chair and take SWMBO straight in while I went and booked her in. 

In the time it took to book her in and for me to wait 10 minutes she had already been sent for a brain scan and a full 'Stroke Team' were in full flow.
There was no chance of me being left sitting worrying, they had me through and getting all the details of past history, what the symptoms were etc, etc. There had only been 10 minutes between I made my assessment  and they had taken over her care.
At no point was I 'out of the loop' - I was being treated as one of the 'team'....unlike the last time when we were left for nearly half an hour before there was even a triage nurse spoke to us ... and another hour before se was seen.
It so happened that the Consultant was the same one who had been so determined to find out what was wrong with SWMBO after years of being passed from pillar to post.....and did! Both he and I recognised each other immediately and his professionalism shone through again today.
They had already had the results of the scan and it was found that there was a blood clot on her brain.

When SWMBO had been stabilised she was sent through to the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary (with the same ambulance crew who had been so quick to help) to the 'specialists'.

That was when I took the opportunity to go and tell the SIL and Bags.

Shortly after I got home I got a phone call to say that SWMBO had had a 'procedure' done to remove the clot in  her brain which had gone well and 'most' of it had been removed.

After having something to eat I took Bags and we went to visit SWMBO.
She was very tired (not surprising) and still having problems communicating, but she was able to recognise us and when the (junior) doctor came round it was apparent that her motor functions and sight in her right eye were coming back.
I gave No1 son a call and let him know what was going on and I got the impression that SWMBO was pleased it was done in her presence (she would want to know that he was suitably reassured that he did not need to come up).

I am now sitting at home with a dram hoping that I will be able to get some sleep.

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