
By Teasel

Colchicum Water Lily

BB’s moving in day is here at last.  I had a few things to do this morning, as did TT.  BB appeared earlier than normal, and did his last minute packing – though to be honest it’s all been pretty last minute.  We had an early lunch and got the car loaded up, then BB got himself ready for rugby.  He was picked to play again this week and wanted to play – thankfully the match was in Edinburgh.  With the car loaded up, we set off for rugby.  The journey was much less stressful than last Saturday, and we arrived in plenty of time, and that was after wasting time, by going the wrong way.
We left BB with his team mates and took a walk to the Botanics, which was lovely.  I’m not sure when I was last at there, but it feels a while ago.  We were last there together even longer ago.  We had a lovely wander, then had to head back to rugby to watch the match, where we were totally wind blasted.  Thankfully it was a lovely day and not cold.  The match wasn’t great, but at least BB scored a try – and he was delighted, as were his team.  His team lost, after making far too  many silly mistakes.  They were not happy.  BB was also pleased that he played against one of his school PE teachers.
After the match we hit the M8 over to Glasgow and left a lovely day behind for the rain of the west.  We arrived at his accommodation, he got his keys and we moved his stuff in to his new abode.  We quickly sorted his room out and made his bed, before heading out for a food shop.  We met one of his flatmates, and then left him to have a post-rugby shower and some food.  We headed home, only to find the M8 was closed, so we took a detour via Stirling.  Not long after we were home, I got a message from BB to say he was in the queue for a nightclub – which sounded like he was settling in quite quickly.  TT and I were weary, having been battered by the wind all afternoon.  We shared a pizza, before watching a bit of TV.  It’s the start of the next chapter for all of us.
We spotted these lovely autumn crocuses in the Botanics this afternoon. The extra is the rugby player.

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