Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Down town

Or up town as we like to call it!
Today has been a good day.
Church this morning and I was taking the service, the first time since 2020. All went well thank goodness except I couldn't find the Collect. It always used to be printed in our Sunday sheet, but not any longer. I'll need to remember to look it out in advance. Everyone was very kind afterwards, it's nice to be amongst friends, I'd forgotten how special this service feels.
I headed home after church for some quick lunch then into town for my massage, oh it was good! She's paid extra attention to my lower back which it needed.
After, I did some unsuccessful present searching, we have four family birthday parties this weekend! I really need to get things sorted.
To make up for my failed shopping I went to Harvey Nichols for tea and a scone. The restaurant is on the top floor and they have an outdoor terrace which is especially nice in good weather like today's. I was lucky and got a table there very quickly. By the time my tea arrived though I'd decided I was too hot and moved back to a table indoors. What a Wuss! My blip is off the view down towards the Forth and onwards to Fife. The bumpy spire is on top of the National Portrait Gallery.
I got the bus home and spent the first part of the evening making a casserole for the family.
We watched the final episode of Unforgotten series 1. All ready for the next series now, we did enjoy it. The weather looks good again for tomorrow, hooray, even if I will stay in the shade.

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