Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

This is it

It's an eb tonight! Some of the windfalls from our tree, they're very tasty so we appreciate them every year.
I confirmed our room at Auchen Castle near Moffat, where we are going to a wedding next year. It sounds like a lovely place and we're looking forward to it.
Change of plan today, instead of Colin and I heading into Fife, I went to Morningside with Ali to pick up some birthday party bits and pieces. As usual we had lunch in La Telve -in my case delicious french toast, made with brioche with syrup and fresh fruit, that must make it healthy, no? Yummy. Bonnie tasted the French toast and Ali's falafel wrap and enjoyed both. She spent most of the time flirting with the waiter though! It seems no time since we were sitting here with her big sister at the same age -Josie is going to be 3 on Monday. How time flies.
Next stop was Asda for more birthday stuff then home.
Before dinner, I wrote an article for the church magazine explaining the vacancy procedures then relaxed.
After dinner we watched the first episode of the new series of Grace. I've enjoyed the books as they came out over the last 25 years or so, but there's something just not quite right about the TV series. Can't quite put my finger on it though . Maybe I need to read a book again to spot what's not working for me.

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