Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Thurs bin a murrdur!

What a glorious day again, warm and sunny weather is just so good for the soul! Typically I had lots on that necessitated being inside.
This morning I met the heating engineer at the Rectory. He repaired the leak I found last week and set up the hive controller which appears to have been in a box in a cupboard since he gave it to me four and a half years ago! He also showed how to repressurise the boiler and set it to frost activity only.
Back home, I was on a roll so phoned up the previous power supplier and set up a new account, in the name of the church, for the duration. That took less than 20 minutes, I couldn't believe it, and the nice man lived in Gloucestershire which made explaining the complicated circumstances rather easier than I'd feared.
Next stop was back into the village for my charity shop shift, I do enjoy having colleagues again. It's the thing I miss most being retired although I should be used to it by now after 10 years.
I was home for an hour then it was time to go and pick up Isobel to take her to gymnastics. She was complaining about the heat and was very pleased she had had her leotard with her to change into, after school finished, for her time at after school club.
I did some shopping in Waitrose then went and picked up Eilidh. She has 45 minutes at home before going to her gymnastics class. Tuesday is their favourite beans on toast night! No time for anything else, but there's always supper afterwards.
My blip I found in the garden this morning. Do foxes catch pigeons? I never see them during the daytime, but it doesn't sound like a night attack somehow. The other option is that the sparrow hawk is back, but I'd have thought a pigeon rather large for that - perhaps it was a young one.
I guess I'll never know.

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