Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Garden plants.

The Feast Day of Saint Joseph of Copertino. Died 1663.
He is remembered for his many miracles and being able to levitate.
He is patron of pilots and airline passengers.

It is 12c and very bright sunshine. A fantastic Autumn day.

I have been to the Best One shop, then taken last week's copy of The People's Friend to my friend Jenny.
I have topped up the bird seed and meal worms.

I have brought several plants out of the greenhouse to enjoy the morning warmth of the sunshine, as you can see in the photo.
I will be reading, crocheting, watching some films and doing some housework.

Last evening it was lovely to see the hedgehog visiting the garden.

Not much happening, but I hope to have a good walk in the sunshine in a little while.

Take care and enjoy Wednesday.

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