Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Duck Pond visit

Another glorious day!

JR had her breakfast (or the first part of it) in bed, while she relaxed, resting her sore (but sorted) toe. She then decided to do a few admin jobs (eg car insurance) and got stuck into serious dusting!

Just as well Archie and I cleared off. We headed down to the duck pond - haven’t been there for ages. And what a good choice that was. The pond was glorious in the sunshine - there are loads of benches on the sunny side, and plenty of people with the same idea.

We sat in the sun for ages - I was listening to podcasts by BBC World Service - The Global Story. Very interesting, a new report every week eg Women’s lives under the Taliban, or How Russian citizens are ‘snitching’ on their neighbours, as happened during the Soviet era, if anyone dares to criticise anything about the war in Ukraine,

I didn’t want to walk back up the long hill home, so we walked towards Morningside. I’d forgotten that it’s actually QUITE FAR!! But I was rewarded with a visit to a pub I’ve always been meaning to pop into. Archie was rewarded with a big long drink of water.

Bus home, to a dust-less flat, with a record step count (9,564!!) and complete exhaustion.

Extra: Another of Archie’s favourite treat stops. He waited patiently for ages, unwilling to accept my explanation.

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