
By ZE1Christie

Kitty's First Gairden Adventure

A fine morning, bright and fairly sunny.  A few showers this afternoon, clear again this evening.  A breeze all day. 

Slept well, finally getting a late breakfast.  Headed out walkies with Sammy, bumped into friend Julie and Keba.  I got some washing out on the line.  Me and peerie Brian met mam, Jonny and Laura at the Cunningsburgh hall for Sunday Teas.  More walkies with Julie this evening, now feet up for the night. 

Kitty has been peering out the windows, and trying to sneak out the door on several occasions.  With the fine morning, it was time to take her out for her first adventure in the garden.  Understandably she was a little scared, but curiosity won and she had a good look around.  The feeling of the grass on her feet was a lot to take in.  I had her out again in the afternoon, she was more confident and charged about.  She's just over three months old now, still a tad too young to be going on any big adventures, but it won't be long.  Kitty taking in the new playground, Hawthorn Cottage, Houl Road, Scalloway. 

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