Removing da Ramp

A fine day, breezy to calm, dry, clouds and sunny spells.  I missed a beautiful sunset.

Up at 5am, early shift in the airport.  A couple of spells on the check-in desk, mostly meeting and boarding flights.  All flights on time, or early.  Met friend Julie for walkies this evening, and then delivered the rest of the leaflets for the Scalloway Youth Centre.  Off to bed early. 

As you may have guessed, I've had a lack of inspiration today, not the most exciting of photos, not even sure why I took but thankfully did as I didn't take many more. After I board a flight, I have to make my way down to the aircraft, check the luggage matches, check any additional luggage, confirm any passengers needing additional help, and also a head count.  The ramp goes on for every flight now, thankfully the steps are still there for me to disembark after the ramp boys take it away.  Taken at Sumburgh Airport.  

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