River of Flowers

By doffy

Saturday: Roses

Slightly warmer this morning but very windy.

The 3 of us had a lazyish day, MrD went to the market to buy a sack of potatoes £25 and he bought some pickling onions which I’ll peel outside when the cold wind has gone …

I repotted some water mint, grown from seed a few months ago - it’s sending runners out and I’d like it to make a good sized plant.

Also put some washing outside, The Sailor helped with the heavy items - everything dried in super quick time and now in the airing cupboard :-)

Fish and Chips for tea - can’t remember when we last had some, they were delicious! :-))

Now on Series 4 of “Line of Duty” - I’m having difficulty in following who’s telling the truth and who’s the bad guys, seem to be quite a few of them …!!

Loads of love and hugs to all my family / Cariad Mawr
Nos da pawb / Goodnight all XXXX XXX XX

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