Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Back on my rock …...........Like Shirley Valentine

It's been lovely today. Really hot & sunny. Yay!

Unfortunately there are still loads and loads of jellyfish that have been washed up onshore on 'Porthmeor Beach' so my human hasn't been swimming for almost a week. (See the Jellyfish in extras). Apparently these jellyfish are dead, but when they're dead they can still sting??!! Not sure how true that is, but some of Ann's, 'Dippers & Swimmers' group, have had some nasty stings this week, so Ann has avoided the sea. Lol!

…..............She's hoping to do an early morning swim tomorrow. Yay! I love it when my human does an early morning swim. I get to play all the way along Porthmeor Beach with my ball and then I guard my humans stuff while she swims at Porthgwidden Beach, and then I get to play with my ball all the way back along Porthmeor Beach.

Ann's hoping to do a swim at Porthgwidden Beach first thing tomorrow morning. I went down there at about 4pm this afternoon to check it out and we didn't see one single jellyfish. Yay!

After we'd checked for jellyfish, we sat on 'our rock' for about 45 mins. We haven't been on 'our rock' for a couple of months because doggies aren't allowed on Porthgwidden Beach in July & August. Unfortunately there were people sitting below and above us on the rocks so I kept wandering off to see if they wanted to make friends with me. Obviously they did. Lol! Ann got a bit cross, cos she likes me to just lie on the rocks next to her.

We were home by 5pm......................

Our weather app is telling us it's going to be nice for the next week. Yay!!! Let's hope it's not lying?!!

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