Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

It's cold – Part 2

This is Part 1

Don't you just love FB & BLIP for reminding you about how fabulous the weather was last year? The weather atm is not fabulous. It's been a lovely sunny day, but the temps have only reached about 13/14C. It's cold!

My human doesn't have enough 'cold weather' clothes, so off we went this morning, to 'Kingsley Village', to have a mooch around M&S, Next, Mountain Warehouse and TKmax. She bought some boots and a top in TKmax, but she really needs a coat for cold weather and couldn't find anything that she liked. Oh the joys of living in Cornwall where the shops are very limited?!!

After Ann's unsuccessful shopping trip we went to Porth in Newquay where we wandered around for a couple of hours. Ann had some chips & gravy for lunch and she didn't share.

Our weather app is telling us that it's going to 'hot up' next week. Not sure that we believe our weather app. …...............Our weather app is usually a big fat liar?!!!!

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