
By Grammy

Tiny Marigolds

I slept in this morning just because I could. Made a breakfast sandwich and enjoyed it on the front porch with coffee and my prayer book. Called my mother to invite her to go to the “Reagan” movie with us. She declined; isn’t feeling up to going out. My sister says it is a great film. We have more or less wasted the day. Hubby researched a potential Christmas gift for our mother. My sister and BIL came up with the idea and asked hubby to investigate quality brands. He still has more work to do. He continued his Bible study of “Acts” to prepare for the Greece trip. I started packing staples and clothes for camping. Went out to check the garden and found these lovely marigolds. They prefer cooler temps so they will produce more blooms soon. I built our menu spreadsheet for next week. In checking the freezer for what we have, I decided to get rid of frozen leftovers we’ve neglected. Hubby enjoyed fried oysters and stewed tomatoes that were still tasty. I made a fresh chef salad for me and a smaller one to go with hubby’s other stuff. We are now ready for a nap. The movie is at 4:00 so the nap will be short. Guess we’ll watch the debate later. Hope you had a laid back Tuesday. Stay safe. Thanks for stopping by. "September is dressing herself in showy dahlias and splendid marigolds and starry zinnias." - OLIVE WENDELL HOLMES

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