
By Grammy

Hot Rod

Hubby was up early to get blood drawn before his GP checkup in a few weeks. He was back before I got up. Then he and I had our semi-annual dental cleanings. An ancient filling is starting to loosen from a bottom tooth. That means I need a root canal and crown. Luckily, hubby added me to his plan just for this reason. I think the insurance will pay 40%. It is scheduled for 18 October. I want to get it behind me before it gets worse or infected. My sister had the same specialist and swears there was no pain. Hmmm. Hubby had a follow up with the podiatrist this afternoon and then picked up groceries. We got meds and a few odds and ends after the dentist appointments. This three-wheeled vehicle pulled in the parking lot while I waited in the car. I was sorely disappointed when someone else pulled in right beside it before I could get my blip. I’ve often seen this guy on the highway. With our local erratic drivers, I’d want more protection personally. It has been a busy but productive day. Hope you had a stress free Monday. Stay safe. Thanks for visiting. “LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO DRIVE BORING CARS.” - BALISE AUTO

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