
By ZE1Christie

Cleansing Operative; Day One

A lovely sunny day, fairly warm too, with a nice breeze.  There was the odd shower. 

Up at 6am, headed into Lerwick to start the new job, cleansing operative. It's sounding like I could be put anywhere in Shetland to work, mostly council cleaning jobs.  I was shown how to use the equipment, grabbed my things for the day and headed out.  Popped by Madeline's after work.  Walkies with Sammy this evening, but mostly a lazy night.  Off to bed early again. 

For my first day, I joined James McNab on the mini essykert (bin lorry), me being the loader.  First trip was clinical waste from various locations, including Gulberwick.  Our next trip around Lerwick was collecting general waste, going into smaller streets where the big essykerts can't fit into.  In the afternoon we headed north, collecting grey lid recycling waste, from Islesburgh, Nibon, Hamar, Heylor and Sullom.  Again, this was mostly small winding roads.  I've enjoyed my day, maybe the weather helped, rain tomorrow, waterproofs will be needed.  James loading a wheelie bin at the old hall, Gunnister.  

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