
By ZE1Christie

Skeld Flooer an Veg Show

A Shetland standard, a couple of fine days, then the mist locks in, thick mist most of the day. It finally lifted in the afternoon, showers tonight.

Slept longer than planned, but finally got up and ready to start the day.  Met friend Julie for walkies this morning.  Some chores done around the house.  Mam came by, we headed out with peerie Brian, picked up Julie too.  A fine lazy evening at home, more walkies, then early to bed.  A big day tomorrow. 

Sunday in Shetland, that means time for Sunday Teas.  We headed out to the Skeld Flower and Vegetable Show, with teas on the side.  After some delicious homebakes, chatted with various folk, we then had a look around the flower and vegetable tables.  Some wonderful pieces, and the community really put on a good afternoon.  Some of the displays, in the Skeld Hall. 

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