
By ZE1Christie

Wast Haa to Lochend Haa

A beautiful sunny day again, with temperatures hitting over 20⁰c again.  Lovely and calm, with a cooling breeze.  Warm at night too.

Up early, headed out walkies after breakfast.  Sammy wasn't coping well with the heat, so we stopped off at Madeline's for a cuppa.  More walkies in the afternoon, but this time I left Sammy with Madeline.  Working in the shop this evening, quieter than last night, but still busy. Quick pint on my way home.  

Perfect weather to get out exploring, warm, sunny and dry.  As I came along the banks, I came to this old croft. I'm sure it had some sort of family connection years ago, but I could be wrong.  Fantastic views looking down over the hills and to the beach, sea and old Lochend Haa.  Taken at West Haa, Lochend, Northmavine.  

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