The Pensioner

By Pensioner


Onto the #6 bus to Sumburgh - a fine way to see the south of the island as we detoured into Gulberwick, and Sandwick, not to mention Hoswick, Channerwick and Levenwick.
For we were there to view Jarlshof - and utterly fabulous it is. Blimey: Bronze Age, Iron Age, and yes Viking dwellings too. Even the SK was impressed.
Back to town and a nose round the shops and cafes before resting up for our evening trip out to the Fjara Cafe Bar. Glad I did a bit of research and prior booking or we’d have been at the chippy. Methinks eateries are at a premium. Instead it was the finest fresh hake. On a bed of lottsa delightful things. Washed down with the cheapest house white. Who needs Mallorca?

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