
By Grammy

Eastern Milk Snake

Gosh, old age is the pits. Not sure what I did, but my right knee decided not to work well today. It could be a torn meniscus, arthritis or any number of age related maladies. I’ve iced it, taken acetaminophen (cannot take ibuprofen) and applied topical gels. I had a very sedentary day. Sugar and I walked a bit when she needed to go out. Hubby and our BIL made terrific progress on the deck. They have one more board to cut but the angle is tricky and their saw is not cooperating. They will work on the landing next and probably install new steps on the next trip. It is still too hot to spend much time in the sun. At 5:00 pm, it is still 91°F. Plus, hubby twisted his foot and is limping. My sister found this little guy. Not my best friend. She let it go after we got our Blip shots. Then she decided to trim with a weed eater. Somehow, she lost her balance and the end result is the whirling string and fence that pinned her made a mess of her fingers and hand. We are at the Urgent Care having it examined/x-rayed. And she is getting a tetanus shot. Will provide results tomorrow. Our BIL says his crew has let him down today. We will go to dinner and hopefully enjoy some music at an outdoor amphitheater. I brought a walking stick. So we have had an adventurous day. Hopefully tomorrow will be calmer. Wishing you a nice weekend, three days for the US who celebrates Labor Day on Monday. Thanks for your visit. "A snake is never a pet, it's a temporary hostage situation." — Robert Hill

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