
By Grammy

The Joy of Summer

Last night’s storm brought down many trees. Both roads that lead to town were inaccessible due downed trees across the road. Our BIL usually carries heavy pruners or his chainsaw but we were in hubby’s SUV. We were alerted to a sycamore tree, two feet in diameter across the road by the low water bridge so we turned around and tried the second route, leading the way for workers in three trucks who were unfamiliar with the area. They helped hubby and our BIL move debris from two separate obstructions. But then we came upon another large tree that was too big even for five men to budge. We went home and enjoyed a quiet evening. This morning, it was stifling outside with high humidity. The guys found that some of the joists were sagging in the second half of the deck. They spent the day correcting that issue and putting down outside edge boards. It was too hot to do much else and another storm is on the way. Our BIL’s ATV is repaired. The guys will take a ride and pick it up before the storm arrives. My sister and I are still under the weather but spent the day in the kitchen. Using apples she canned last fall, she made us delicious tarts for breakfast. I made caramel sauce to drizzle on top. The men were happy. I cleaned the bird carcass and made turkey salad. My sister made potato salad for dinner and then it was time to make the men’s lunch. They deserved more than a deli sandwich for all their hard work. I noticed these beautiful puffy clouds rolling by while doing dishes. Thought I’d share the beauty with you as I saw it. The hummers love these Rose of Sharon blooms. It’s break time for the crew. Wishing you some down time from the hustle and bustle. Stay safe. Thanks for visiting. “There are moments on most days when I feel a deep and sincere gratitude, when I sit at the open window, and there is a blue sky or moving clouds.” - Kathe Kollwitz

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