Wendy's World

By Wendles56

Lotsa Limestone!

Tony needed to return to Malham Moor today to check orienteering controls for the upcoming event in September so I went along with my camera.  He dropped me off on top of the Moor and I took the path down into the Dry Valley which is the subject of my blip.  It wasn't the best day for photography, being overcast for most of the morning and then coming on to rain, but there are a few hues in my blip I think.

I met a walking group coming up the dry valley and had a chat with their leader.  They were doing the High Dales Way over several days and would be moving on to Sedbergh tomorrow to finish in Appleby.  I then had a brief few words with a lone walker who asked if we were on the Pennine Way and was she going in the right direction for the Tarn. It's very well signed in this part of the Dales and I reassured her that she was on the Pennine Way and heading towards the Tarn, but I do wish folks would carry a map or sort out their route ahead of setting off.

After that I didn't meet anyone until I reached the Cove.  I had planned to spend some time on the limestone pavement taking Clint and gryke blips, but it was much too blustery and, although there was no chance of me being blown over the edge, there was every possibility of me losing my hat or turning my ankle, so I made the decision to take the path over the hill to the Scar and, from there, the Janet's Foss track back to the village.

Tony was still busy on the moor trying out courses so I walked up to Beck Hall for lunch.  It has gone completely vegan in the restaurant so I enjoyed a spicy pakora wrap which was very nicely prepared and tasty.  The rain began in earnest so I took time over my drink and read some of my book "go as a river' by Shelley Read, until Tony messaged to say he was back at the car and on his way.  He picked me up in the carpark and we drove to the Farm Shop at Airton so that he could have some lunch and I could enjoy a coffee.   We are still looking for a small tea tray to replace the broken one so had a look around their gift shop.  No tray sadly but some very excellent socks from the West Yorkshire Spinners (in goldfinch colours - all the blends reflect bird colours!) and two very good brand new circular walk books.  It turned out that the Ribbledale books had just been delivered and by the author/photographer himself.  I suggested he should autograph them for me!  

Back home I have been attempting to use Photoshop to process today's photos and have hit an error I am unable to correct.  Could PS blipexperts please advise:  When I open a Camera Raw file and then go to open it, this message comes up:  'The embedded ICC profile cannot be used because the ICC profile is invalid.  Ignoring the profile.'  I can't find any help that I can understand (!) in PS help, so in words of two syllables please if you can. When I open the photo it is monochrome, grrr.  

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