Wendy's World

By Wendles56

Going Over

It's a funny old day, one of those days when I can't be bothered with housework so the dust will have to stay put; one of those days when there is nothing on the list; one of those days when it's too cold and breezy to be out in the garden; one of those days of low energy, so I've briefly pointed my camera at the mini meadow which is going to seed much earlier than previous years, possibly due to a mix of winds and lack of any serious rain.  There was just one lone bee circling the last flowers on the loosestrife and chicory.  This chicory has been bent right over by the wind and the one flowering by the gate was taken out by the fire hose last week when the local brigade arrived to put out a garden fire and ran their hose across our patio and through our pots!  I'm not complaining because the last thing you would want if there was a fire was for the fire folks to be worried about plants.

We haven't been around very much for me to monitor events in the mini meadow this season but I have struggled to spot insects, particularly hoverflies and there have been fewer butterflies too.  We have spotted the occasional goldfinch on the knapweed seedheads and so I will not be mowing it down until November.

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