Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Bee on echinacea

Wow that was a windy night! 
Woke up to 3 of the 4 patio chairs on the lawn, numerous plants snapped or flattened and 3 pots that had blown over! 
It could have been much worse I guess, but I'm always miffed when the garden suddenly gets a battering from the weather. All sorted now though.
Took hubby for a blood test, picked up Mum and niece, dropped off niece at train station, had a nice lunch with Mum at Ego's and got a free birthday meal for mum :) 
Back home and harvested a few tomatoes and 2 mini cucumbers, planted my 9 foxglove plants in my new raised bed and did a round of deadheading. Thankfully the sun has peeped through a few times and the wind has definitely subsided. 
Todays blip was one of only 3 shots then ended up in focus due to the wind. I'm liking the furry bee against that background. 

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